Sonia Allori
Ensemble & Inclusive Workshops
Composer & Clarinettist
Sonia Allori is a composer, performer, researcher and community music therapist. She is based in the Scottish Highlands and is a multi instrumentalist and singer. Her PhD in composition explored the combination of words and music which remains a central theme in her practice. Her work is often influenced by nature, inclusion, curiosity and everyday life and humour. Recent commissions are: Deconstructing Tartan (2023) for clarinet and accordion – Drake Music Scotland/Sound Festival – performed in Aberdeen in October 2023; Random eddies (2023) for piano, electronic wind instrument and electroacoustic track – Drake Music Scotland/PRS Beyond Borders performed in Cardiff in November 2023. Forthcoming commissions include new vocal works for Illuminate and Drake Music Scotland and Adventures in captioning for narrator, small ensemble and captioner for the “Diversifying Improvisation” project based at Edinburgh University. This work will explore a new and evolving creative process involving live captioning and musical improvisation first developed at Drake Music (London) and Sonic Bothy. Sonia is researching D/deaf performance at The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland.
Artist website: https://soniaallori.co.uk
Blog: https://theartofmisbehaving.com
Image Credit: Julian Maunder